A Scholar on the Road

There’s a company that sends me a new catalog every few months which I do NOT throw out immediately. No, I’m not
talking about the (several) Victoria Secret catalogs that (oddly) come my way. I’m talking about catalogs for a company
called Road Scholar.

The company plans extensive
trips abroad where you can truly engage yourself, learning about another culture, another religion, taking a foreign
language. They head to places like New Zealand, Patagonia, Angkor Wat and Varanasi, India. Here’s the description of
the latter trip:  

You’ll trace the footsteps of Krishna, Buddha and the Mughal emperors on
this journey into the heart of India’s spiritual heritage. Hindu holy men, Buddhist monks and Islamic scholars will
be your guides into the Eastern mind and soul.

OK, a bit flowery, but these trips seem
bona-fide in their depth and a trip where you are actually learning from someone who knows what they’re talking about
can be a good trip indeed. I mean, how many tourists do you see just meandering about with their guide books? But
seriously, I actually spend some time turning the pages of these catalogs when they come and I am reeally impressed by
the number of fascinating trips they offer.