More on Mileage

done our best to help folks get a grasp on what’s up with mileage programs these days. First of all, many of the ailing
airlines, like United and Delta, are
changing their cash-out requirements for miles, making it harder and costlier  to get those free trips. For
example, a trip that might have cost you some 20,000 miles a few years ago…and those miles were just sitting there in
your account patiently waiting for you to decided to go to Paris…now costs 25,000 or even 35,000 miles. And you’re not
guaranteed a seat because you, my friend, are on the lowest rung of priority for the airlines who are now stuffing
planes full of paying passengers.

And then we showed you a way to
spend those miles just in case flying was not something you could do in the near future and perhaps you just really
needed a new sauce pan. Well, all those issues and some other are addressed briefly in this piece on mileage programs running in the New York Post, of all