Even with June just ahead interested participants can still make the Old Buda Summer festival taking place in Budapest from June to September with the right amount of speedy planning. The summer long event will feature traditional chamber concerts and organ recitals in the courtyard of Kiscelli Museum and St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church. For the more popular concerts with light music from the turn-of-the-century make sure you head over to Main Square. Music won’t be the only thing making the Óbuda settlement a happening place this year in Hungary. You can count on a full scale of cultural activities and I’m sure there will be plenty of food to sample as well.
Today’s word is a Magyar (Hungarian) word used in Hungary:
hangverseny – concert
The Hungarian lingo is a Finno-Ugric language, which you can learn more about at Wikipedia, right now let’s stick to the places you can learn it for free. Hungarotips is a completely free site with beginner, intermediate, and advanced lessons. This impulzus web page has everything you’d basically find in a LP guide. There’s no audio, so read a little about the alphabet and then find someone who’s willing to make sure you speak like a local. The verbal exchange will be very rewarding I am sure. As always remember to scope out the BBC for basic lang downloads.
Past Hungarian words: köszönöm, vásárlók könyve