There is a little-known organization called the World Airline Entertainment Association that, according to the group’s website, is “committed to excellence in in-flight entertainment (IFE), communications and services, and the continual improvement of the airline passenger environment.”
As an acknowledgment towards those airlines which excel in this area, the WAEA annually presents awards in a number of categories every September. Although we are a bit late in reporting the 2005 news, I thought I’d pass on a few of the winners to take into consideration for next time you are looking to book a flight.
Best In-Flight Magazine – Qantas Airways
Best In-Flight Video Programming (Short Haul) – American Airlines
Best In-Flight Video Programming (Long Haul) – Cathay Pacific
Best Overall (Mid-Size Fleet 21-50) – Virgin Atlantic
Best Overall (Large Fleet 51+) – Qantas Airways