Before you proceed to find out what the word of today is I suggest you check out this photo on the Romanian tourism site. For some strange reason it blew me away. The brightly painted yellow colors from the trains railing to the young, smiling Romanian children seated up front makes for one of the best tourism shots I’ve ever seen. If I had the time and money to take off on the steam railway at Viseu du Sus I would do it in a heartbeat. The railway starts from a small logging town, runs through a roadless valley and is considered one of Romania’s finest heritage attractions. I provide no justice to even touching on the site, so please do yourself a favor and add this to your itinerary if headed to Eastern Europe.
Today’s word is a Romanian word used in Romania:
multumesc – thank you
If you’d like to know some real practical basics visit this Easy Romanian site. They offer proverbs, months, numbers, and days of the week. As usual Pimsluer offers great audio methods and Lonely Planet has a pocket sized phrasebook for Eastern European langs. BBC has the quick fix holiday downloads with the very, very, basics of the language worth looking into.