And you thought it was just the Germans and the Brits who behaved badly at soccer games (the Americans would probably give them a run for their money if they cared much about soccer). This is not a World Cup story, alas, but one about a mere match in (of all places China). Turns out it was the Norwegians pulling off shenanigans.
A 25-year-old Norwegian student at the University of Beijing got a wee bit upset and showered both the ref and spectators with abuse. He was shown a green card (green for naughty) and then a red one (really naughty). Then he was ejected from the game. Not one to go out peacefully, e ten pulled down his shorts and mooned everyone. Apparently, the Chinese are not used to seeing naked buttocks in public, a least not ones so lily white, and so the match was suspended with the student facing punitive action, perhaps even being deported. Ah, those mad Norwegians. I call them kin, you know.