Group Travel

Heading out any time soon with a herd of friends or just a gargantuan group of people you hardly know (this has happened to me), well, there’s a new blog out there (or maybe not so new) called Group Trip Advisor, that helps group travelers make their plans and provides tips on how to get along with everyone.

The blog covers travel with families and friends, but also weddings and reunions, and provides relevant links and ideas about how to make these trips go smoother. I took a quick spin around the site and was pleased with what I found. They focus a bit on destinations, for example, and offer advice for places to go and see that make for ideal group ventures.

For example, for those traveling to Vegas (you know conventions and such ,or big family to-dos) they list the following ideas to make that trip a wee bit sweeter :

A cool idea and a site worth bookmarking.