I’m just moments away from boarding a lane to St. John’s, Newfoundland. I’ll be there for about a week, driving around the region, hopefully doing a fair amount of paddling and perhaps even some fishing. I’m very excited. Newfoundland is one of those obscure, but fascinating places. Kind of forbidding, but with a unique, rich, sea-faring culture.
I’ve been dong a fair amount of reading about it and even caught The Shipping News the other night, which was shot in and around St. John’s, the capital of the region. It was a rather awful movie, I have to say. Kevin Spacey played the timid, kind of dim-witted Quoyle, who goes back to where his forebears lived and who hooks up with the lovely Juliane Moore (who, I might add, lives in my neighborhood…she’s still very pretty in person, but amazingly petite)…well, it just wasn’t very convincing. And the shots around St. John’s didn’t do much to convey what the place is like…other than that is seems to be awfully grey and rainy. I probably should have read the book, but wanted to see what the place looked like.
Anyway, I’ll be posting when I can from the road and will be sure to take pictures to illustrate what Newfoundland is like. So stay tuned.