6,710,099 steps later, 3,177 miles covered and our mission is complete! As I may have mentioned here on various occasions I have been on the road walking, stepping and counting my steps across this magnificent and diverse country with a program called Steps Across America. When we started our question sounded a lot like that of the Tootsie Roll Pop Owl and his friend pondering the number of licks to finish a Tootsie Roll Pop. While the world may never know the answer to that question they now know how many steps it takes to trek America via the route found at the SAA site. Thanks to Sportline and all our amazing sponsors I was able to share the experience with 11 other individuals. With our final walk to the Santa Monica pier there were tears and cheers, but most of all the rewarding feeling of knowing you really did something to affect the masses.
Thanks to Kodak I’ve managed to take over 1,200 photos on this journey and will be searching for the best way to catalogue them for you guys to see. It may take me some time, but never fear – you’ll see them before the end of the year. Right now I’m going to go rest my feet.