We’ve never been ones to herald motorhome travel. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but traveling in a house on wheels just seems kinda, well, fogey. But they, as a wise (and tall) man once said: let us not judge that we be not judged.
And so it was with some skepticism that I initially read this post by John Neff over at autoblog about the various way you can get around America these days with your rolling house. Again, while you have thought, as I did, that motorhoming was for the geriatric set, you have to appreciate the capabilities of a vehicle like the Terrawind, which looks a bit like something James Bond …post-retirement…would drive. And you know what? I would too.
But there’s more. Take a look at the Airstream Basecamp, kind of a Robocop meets About Schmidt. Now that’s a machine you can pick up Gladys Fernbokker in, you know, the hottie from Sun Acres Retirement Home, the one who dropper her dentures in your Dewars and Water “by accident”.
Well, the chances are you won’t be seeing me in a motorhome any time this summer, but I salute Neff and the autoblog boys for calling our attention to a fine post about a pastime for the past prime.