Survey Says! A Kick in the Groin!

For years and years it was thought that the Japanese were far ahead of us in terms of technology and even aspects of culture (couldn’t we use a dose of Japanese politeness?). I never placed much credibility in that that until I came across this video that convinced me that the Japanese are, in fact a superior culture.

The game show in this video features contestants, males exclusively, who compete in a game of knowledge. The questions are hard…well, I actually have no idea if they are hard or not, but for the sake of argument let’s say they are. All fine and dandy, and no different than the myriad trivia shows we all know and love. What’s so lovely and different is that when a contestant gets a question wrong, he is summarily kicked in the balls. Brilliant, eh? It got me thinking about all sorts of fine ways to improve everything from Jeopardy to American Idol to the Presidential Debates.