With all the turmoil between Israel and Lebanon these days, using the following to describe the situation certainly won’t fly. Think more along the lines of small favors and acts of kindness that weren’t too hard to perform and you may be able to get away with saying this one. In regards to war – I think not. There is a problem.
Today’s word is a Hebrew word used in Israel:
en ba’aya – no problem
For a short list of the very basics in Hebrew check out Israel Visit. Jewfaq.org has a clear and excellent guide to the alphabet, pronunciation, styles of writing, fonts and word processors. ZigZag World provides learning materials at a level for children and beginning adults. Lots of pictures! Hebrew Online is not a free service, but allows you to learn through video-conferencing technology to communicate live with professional Israeli Hebrew teachers. Before paying anything they allow you to sign up for two trail lessons. Ancient Hebrew is a thorough site on people, language, culture with additional links and learning resources.
Past Hebrew words: shalom