Word for the Travel Wise (08/20/06)

Just wanted to share this pretty cool blog on Greece as seen through the eyes of an American-Irish expat couple living in the isles. They keep the site fairly updated discussing a range of subjects on the Greek Islands and what it’s like as an expat living abroad. These are the kinds of blogs that get me into trouble. They make me want to take the plunge myself and head to foreign lands to settle in for a while if not forever.

Today’s word is a Greek word from Greece:

foni – voice

Online sources for learning Greek for free include BBC Languages and AGNI. The courses at BBC Languages are incredible. Probably one of the best you’ll find online and audio can even be found for today’s word by clicking here. Amerispan offers Greek immersion and language courses in Athens. Pretty pricey, but hey it’s Greece!

Past Greek words: toh karavee, Pascha, aigolios, thello