It was when I first started doing gadling that I wrote some posts about how awful it is to travel with kids…not your own, but someone else’s. Someone who’s sitting right behind you and has a screaming toddler. There is nothing that can ruin a trip quite like a baby that’s wailing as if its lungs are being shredded inside its little chest…OK, plummeting down from 35,000 feet into a fireball on the ground is worse, but you know what I mean.
Anyway, I have done a lot of complaining about crying kids on board, and went so far as to invent the Baby Cone of Silence (patent pending). And yet, now that I have a baby of my own, I know how hard and miserable it can be to fly with a little one. Well, I felt as if I could understand both sides of the issue when I read this series of travel nightmares over at MSNBC. From babies crying to lost connections, it’s a nice litany of problems that ,if you’re like me, help you feel less alone in the world. You learn everyone has these problems.
Well, for those who want to learn more about how to travel with kids, here’s a site with the kind of info that can help…OK, not really. There’s not much you can actually do short of drugging your child, which most parents are reluctant to do. But I offer it anyway.