Chances are if you are a woman and you are heading out into the great yonder with your best friend, images of Thelma and Louise come to mind. Hitting the open road with the top down, your hair a spray of follicles behind you and a .357 at your hip, well, that’s the stuff girls’ dreams are made of. Right? OK, maybe not. But still, let’s say you’re a woman traveler and are looking for a companion who shares your interests…not just in Brad Pitt, but also in seeing the Grand Canyon, or Hawaii.
Then this site, called appropriately enough, is one you might venture over to. Started in June (and sadly, with a fee if you want to use some of the sites deeper features, the British site has categories like “Single Mom” to help women travelers find each other and put together their dream trips.
It’s a nice idea, and if I were a woman looking for a travel pal, I’d probably give it a look. Interestingly, it seems a lot of women with spouses sign up, as their husbands either don’t travel or can’t due to work, so you shouldn’t think of it as a, well, same sex thing…in the strict sense of the term. Either way, the site is well-designed and intriguing. Probably worth a look.