Word for the Travel Wise (09/25/06)

This City of David website is something to check out! The music alone takes me back to a period in history I still have so much to learn about. If I could take a month or two months to do a huge religions of the world themed tour I would definitely start in Israel. The website is completely interactive and very eye-appealing not to mention highly informative. Go take a gander with your own two if you have the chance.

Today’s word is a Hebrew word used in Israel:

– thank you

For a short list of the very basics in Hebrew check out Israel Visit. Jewfaq.org has a clear and excellent guide to the alphabet, pronunciation, styles of writing, fonts and word processors. ZigZag World provides learning materials at a level for children and beginning adults. Lots of pictures! Hebrew Online is not a free service, but allows you to learn through video-conferencing technology to communicate live with professional Israeli Hebrew teachers. Before paying anything they allow you to sign up for two trail lessons. Ancient Hebrew is a thorough site on people, language, culture with additional links and learning resources.

Past Hebrew words: shalom,
en ba’aya