Last year around this same time I was busy scouring the web for all Trinidad & Tobago Carnival sites and band sites. I was mainly on the lookout for costumes and without the help of a friend of mine I would have been utterly lost. For an event an entire country spends the entire year preparing for I would have expected more information on the tourism site or in one central location on the web, but I couldn’t find one. This year I’ve stumbled upon this groovy website which seems to have it right! Jammin’ island music, flash animation of winin’ ladies and all the mas band sites with costume information. Jackpot! It looks as if PlayCarnival has been around for a wee-bit and I just didn’t catch on last year, but if this should be your first time going to TnT’s carnival – check them out.
Like last year, I’m really feeling Island People’s theme this year – Sahara. Imagine parading Port-of-Spain’s streets half-clad in your beaded feathery attire pretending to be in the Sahara as you dance under the sweet Soca sun. (Though Tribe is looking pretty nice too.) Oh, Trinidad – how I wish to play next year again!