Stingrays Attack!

Let’s not panic people. Stingrays are NOT attacking us humans out of revenge for ruining the planet or electing George Bush. I want to make that clear. They are mad about something else, I’m sure, like the popularity of the Olsen Twins or The O.C. But it sure does seem like they are on a tear about something. First, one of them goes after Steve “The Croc Hunter” Irwin, and now they are jumping into boats and slashing around with their long tail barbs.

Just go ask one James Bertakis (who is a hale and hearty 81 years old) who was boating last week with his granddaughters near the town of Lighthouse Point, 15 miles north of Fort Lauderdale, when a three-foot-wide spotted eagle ray leapt out of the water and fell into the boat. The octogenarian tried to lift the ray out of the boat, and in the course of so doing, was stabbed in the heart by the barb on the animal’s tail. Doctor’s actually had to pull the barb out THROUGH the heart, and Bertakis remains in critical condition. As a diver, I now have a new found respect for Sting Rays and will not call them the winged wimps of the sea anymore.