Word for the Travel Wise (11/22/06)

It was the eve before Thanksgiving and some American was off abroad in a land where people spoke Vietnamese. They searched for turkey, but no one understood; they asked for gravy, but received phô instead and to make matters worse they were dirty from toe to head. If there was one word the poor tourist could remember it was the word for laundry place.

Today’s word is a Vietnamese word used in Vietnam:

phòng giat (fom zuht) – laundry place

To continue learning Vietnamese online start with phrase list found at the NY Public Library. This Wanna Learn / Geocities page has some free words and phrases listed. It was one of few I could find online for free though you won’t get far. Rosetta Stone offers audio and web courses for a fee and there’s always the opportunity to take a Vietnamese language class in Hanoi, Vietnam with CIEE. For those flying through the country for just a few short days pick up the phrasebook.

Past Vietnamese words: Xe Ðap, xinh xinh, cam hut thuoc, tam biêt, bàn dô