Yes, you thought maybe we were rid of him. You thought that he’d found a comfy home among the Bahrainians, who not only still listen to has music, but seemed to enjoy Jacko’s veil-wearing antics. I regret to inform you, however, that the Jacko has landed…in Vegas. He arrived last Saturday at McCarran Airport‘s private executive hangar at 10:30 in the eve.
I really can’t think of a more appropriate place for him to while away the hours of his life. He”s not particularly good at blackjack, but his good buddy Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy is recovering from that tiger mauling incident and is doing dandy. Where else could an odd-ball has-been conjure up a comeback but Sin City? Which is exactly what he is doing, hoping to do a live show on the Strip in 2007. The strange get stranger.