What type of resort features king-sized beds located outdoors on the sand?
Well, it could be a Randy Gerber hotel where hipsters lounge about with martinis in hand.
Or it could be a brand new resort in Mexico catering to a growing number of vacationing couples who enjoy exchanging sex partners. Yep, the photo above is a swingers resort in Los Cabos, Mexico. And the beds aren’t just for sipping martinis.
It must be sweeps season at ABC because their nightly news program recently spotlighted this growing fad and the newest resort to which the hedonists can escape and indulge.
Desire Resort & Spa is a tropical getaway on the Mexican coast where clothing is optional as well as monogamy. Only couples are allowed to check in, but once there, the traditional definition of “couple” quickly disappears. The only rule according to ABC, is “No means No” (just like in the real world!).
Apparently the resort is already off to a great start, drawing from the estimated 4-8 million strong swinger community world-wide. Guests range from 30 to 60 years old and cross all types of professions according to Robert McGinley, the 72-year-old founder of Lifestyles Organization–a swingers group which has partnered with the hotel.
One of the more interesting aspects of the ABC article is that the reporter spent time interviewing the staff. One normally doesn’t think about the staff when hearing about a swingers resort, but spare a moment for the poor Mexican bartender or housekeeper from a very catholic country and the sights and sounds they must endure throughout their 9 to 5. I bet it goes from shocking to sexy to repulsive in about ten minutes.
To each their own, I suppose. It’s not a resort I’d ever visit, but that’s just me; call me silly, but I’m the type who enjoys souvenirs that don’t require ointment or penicillin to get rid of.