Celebrity Honeymoons

Tom and Nicole went to Venice and stayed at the Hotel Cipriani, where Casanova reportedly woo’ed many women. Richard Burton and Liz Taylor visited Botswana’s Chobe Game Reserve, where the views of the stars rival the views of the wildlife. Bill and Melinda Gates celebrated at the Four Seasons Resort Lanai in Hawaii, where they reserved all the rooms and all the airplane seats into the island to stymie zealous paparazzi.

Even if you don’t watch entertainment shows that detail every facet of celebrities’ lives, you might find this profile of celebrity couples and where they honeymooned interesting. From Tiger and Elin to Denise and Charlie, the round-up discusses the accommodation the various couples enjoyed and also dishes some of the dirt on their special events. If this piece doesn’t quell your insatiable thirst for stars and their honeymoons, check out these resources:

In looking over these lists, it occurs to me that Britney and Jessica stayed at the same place in Fiji. That’s, like, so lame.