80 Days or Bust: The Rediscovery of Slow Travel

Mark Schatzker is a man with mission. He wants to circumnavigate the world the old-fashioned way. No, that doesn’t mean via covered wagon, though he intends to avoid planes, helicopters, and anything that moves faster than 100 miles per hour. What’s more, in effort to rediscover “slow travel,” he plans to do it in 80 days.

In his first leg — which he just began — he plans to drive (slowly, I’m sure) from NYC to LA, and then he’ll cruise (again, slowly) across the Pacific. Although I’m sure he knows his route, he hasn’t shared it with the rest of us yet.

If you’re as curious as I am about how he fares along his path, be sure to check out his blog, 80 Days or Bust. Like me, I’m sure the rest of his fans will be watching.