Toasty Feet Insoles

Toasty Feet shoes insoles are like Thermoses for your feet. Developed by NASA, Toasty Feet are made of Aerogel — the lightest, lowest-density solid known to exist — and boast a a thermal efficiency rating of up to 10 times that of other materials.

In the winter, they help keep your feet warm; in the summer, they help keep them cool. If you spend a lot of time trudging in the snow, hiking in the mountains, jogging on the beach, walking your dog, working outside, slogging to school, skiing, rock climbing, picnicking, or using shoes at all, this product will likely pique your interest.

If you think it’s all a bunch of hype, check out Bryan Schmidt’s review of the removable liners. They’re available in various sizes for as little as $13.