Nooroz Mobarak or Happy New Year

When some of woke up this morning and turned our calendars to Tuesday, March 20, 2007 another part of the planet and even some of our friends nearby were turning the page to the first day of a new year – the year is now 1386. Nooroz (Persian New Year) is no stranger to the Gadling pages. I mentioned it last year and offered some greetings for those who wished to spread good cheer and happiness through local communities celebrating the days long event.

This year I’m going to leave you with a few events to check out across the country should you feel so inclined to learn a little about this fascinating culture and holiday. Last year I missed out on various happenings, but this year I’m hoping to find a nice party to crash in the DC/Virginia area. Here are just a few of my finds, but please feel free to share the specifics on others.

From pars411 I found this Eid Nooroz party happening tomorrow at Lima in D.C. has a calendar featuring events taking place all across the country from San Francisco to New Jersey throughout the entire holiday. So not many discoveries on this end, but there are several out there worth looking for and participating in – I’m sure.

Again, happy, happy New Year.