The Human Flower Project

Reading the title above has probably triggered some of you to conjure scenes from the film Little Shop of Horrors or some other dynamic piece of cinema where flowers and plants are seen quite often like in Pane e Tulipani or even American Beauty. However, this is one for those who truly love smelling the bed of roses be it through film or real-life experiences. I’ll describe the site in short as they have nicely done it on their own: The Human Flower Project is an international group, photo album and discussion on how people live through flowers. Live through flowers?

The blog, which I stumbled upon for the first time is really an experience offering a perspective of life in countries as far as Cuba and Uganda and focusing on issues such as art, medicine, society, politics, religion and commerce through flowers. For instance, did you know that the state flower of Texas, the Texas bluebonnet was altered about 25 years ago to bloom in maroon and white, an idea that came about from obsessed Texas A&M folk? Wonder how life is affected by those working in Uganda’s flower biz or why the Ladies in White from Cuba demonstrate holding gladiolus? Whether these things ever ran across your mind or not I’d have to say the Human Flower Project is something definitely worth a glance. Check out shots from Vietnam, Colombia and France in their photo gallery.