Smoking Bans in Europe

One day I hope that smoking is eradicated from this planet. In the meantime, countries around the world are trying to come to terms with the best way of curbing and/or eliminating public smoking and saving the lives of their citizens.

Europe, a place where I breathed far too much second-hand smoke thanks to the large percentage of locals who passionately light up, was the last place I ever expected a smoking ban to take effect. And yet, starting with Ireland in 2004, European countries are stubbornly joining the ban.

Are you curious which countries will leave your clothes smelly on your next vacation and which ones will be fresh like the Irish spring? Jump on over to Budget Travel where a handy color-coded map will tell you the status of smoking bans throughout Europe.

Are you pissed off at the anti-smoking tone of this post? If so, you should probably jump on a plane and make your way to Belarus, Turkey, or Switzerland–the last three European countries without any smoking regulations whatsoever.