It is probably America’s most famous trail. It stretches and winds and twists up the entire East Coast of the United States and was immortalized in a book by one of our great living travel writing humorists, Bill Bryson. The Appalachian Trail is nothing less than a jewel in the crown of the American trail system. So I like to keep my eyes out for news about the AT, as it is affectionately known, whose blazes burn bright and whose springtime appeal is just about now at its peak. You may be stuck indoors, but the Boston Globe is running a great little blog by Michelle Holmes who is taking on the trail. Taking a look at the photos she’s included, it’s hard to tell whether these folks are part of an epic hike or a Grateful Dead show, but…well, let us not judge that we be not judged.
No matter. Ms. Holmes’ adventure, which is just starting out, will be fun to follow.