Essayist and travel writer Jan Morris, who recently turned 80, will be in New York this Friday night for a special lecture and conversation. Paul Holdengräber, Director of the New York Public Library’s LIVE programs will interview the celebrated author and world traveler about her lifetime of stories and adventures. Some of the topics up for discussion include: Patriotism, The Practice of Travel, Norwegian Forest Cats, The Superiority of Small Countries, Journalism at Mount Everest and the most important issue of all: Marmalade vs Grape Jelly?!
I’m sure that any conversation with this venerated author would be an entertaining and informative ride to somewhere, but this event may mark one of the few chances you’ll ever get to participate and possibly pose a question of your own. Morris has written over 40 history and travel themed books including works about Venice, Trieste, Sydney, Hong Kong, Spain, and her native Wales. If you have not yet read a classic Morris work, please add something from her collection to your summer reading list. I’ll be sure to remind you in a future One for the Road.