Up against piranhas, crocodiles, and who knows what else lurking in the river, 52-year-old Slovenian, Martin Strel, has become the first person to swim the entire 3,272 miles of the Amazon River.
We wrote about him back in January, about how his “escort boats will carry all the time buckets of fresh blood to pour in the water in case the piranhas or other fish attack.” I guess it worked, because he made it alive. I also noticed that I promised to let everyone know when he started swimming, so that you could track his progress on AmazonSwim.com, but I forgot. Sorry about that!
Also, check out the wicked cool face mask he wore in the picture above. No wonder the fish stayed away! They were scared, like I am right now. Actually, I think he’s celebrating in that picture by doing the Naughty-by-Nature “Hip Hop Hooray” dance.