It’s a crying shame that articles like this one even exist. But I suppose that is the globally warmed, extinction-driven reality we live in. How many species are disappearing every year? Every time I hear the answer (the estimate goes as high as 50,000), my stomach hurts.
What can you do? Well, you can, of course, give money to your favorite environmental organization. And/or you can set out to see some of these amazing organisms before you die. Call it a variation of the 1000 Things to Do Before You Die concept ( one that I wish I’d invented by the way…). Call this one 1000 Animals to See Before THEY Die.
At the top of the list (my list, anyway) is the tiger.
And here in a nicely-written piece over at the Philadelphia Inquirer, writer Lini S. Kadaba takes us to Ranthambore National Park in Jaipur to try and spot the elusive garganta-feline. Of course, the tiger’s numbers are very limited…so did she actually see one in the world? You’ll have to read to find out.