Comedians at the State Department?!?!?

Ah yes, the State Department. If you live in America, the State Department is supposedly the government agency you turn to in order to find out if a particular country is safe for travel.

Far too often, however, countries which are no more dangerous than American cities are routinely slammed by the State Department briefs as though a lawyer had written them very carefully so that the government doesn’t get sued in case you injure yourself during your time abroad.

Buried in the midst of all this legal mumbo-jumbo, however, are a few occasionally humorous gems.

A recent AP article highlights some of the best. Here is just a small selection. For more, be sure to click on over to the article itself.

“The tragedy of Haiti is that Haitians have become great leaders in every profession and in every country, with the exception of Haiti.”

“police have limited ability to deter criminals….and receive little support from the Greek government and even less respect from the Greek population.”

“Police involvement in criminal activity is both legendary and true in Mexico.”

(Thanks Marilyn)