Gadling Travel Wire, Week of April 13th

Happy Friday the 13th! Here’s some news in the world of travel from the past week:

  • Airline plans cheap London-NYC flights – Zoom Airlines Ltd., the U.K. unit of Canada’s Zoom Airlines Inc., says it plans to start low-cost flights between London’s Gatwick airport and New York beginning June 21.
  • Earthquake felt in Mexico City, Acapulco – A jarring, magnitude-6 earthquake shook southern Mexico early Friday, knocking out power in parts of Mexico City and Acapulco, swaying tall buildings and sending frightened people into the streets in their pajamas.
  • Ballistic missile forces passenger jet to go home – An Indonesian jet carrying hundreds of passengers was forced to turn around over Indian airspace after a nuclear-capable ballistic missile streaked across the sky, the Foreign Ministry said Friday.
  • Dead man found in jet’s bathroom – An airline passenger died in the restroom during a flight and wasn’t found until the cleaning crew boarded the plane after it landed, a federal lawsuit contends.
  • United Adds $10 Fee for L.A. Flights – Passengers flying out of Los Angeles Wednesday on United Airlines began paying an extra $10 to offset a $10 million increase in rent charged by the Los Angeles airport, the airline said.