Last time we checked in with Polly Evans, she was making her way around China using only public transport. The fantastically funny travel writer is at it again, still experimenting with creative means of getting around. In her latest book, released last month in the UK, Evans chronicles her wild adventures galloping around Argentina. In On a Hoof and a Prayer she finally realizes a life long dream to learn how to ride a horse. But instead of taking the easy way out (signing up for classes close to her London home), Evans choses the landscapes of Patagonia as a backdrop for her lessons. Smart idea — might as well enjoy the scenery while propped up on a horse for several hours each day. (Check out some photos from her journey.)
There’s lots more info about this book, as well as her previous transportation travel tales, at her website. I especially like the handy Trip Info pages for each book, which highlights the guides, tour groups and accommodations she used while traveling in each region, as well further reading suggestions.
Polly will be on the British radio program Excess Baggage at 10am this Saturday, April 21st, talking about rural Argentina with the program’s host, Sandi Toksvig and Christabelle Dilks, author of the Footprint Guide to Argentina. Another piece of timely info is that her 2004 book, Kiwis Might Fly, about her motorcycle travels through New Zealand, was just released in the US.