Field guides are amazing reference tools that can complement any adventure. Knowing what you’re looking at when you’re on safari, for example, or when birding, camping, or diving can make the experience so much richer. A new book by Julian Montague aims to help shed some light on one elusive creature endemic to North America: the Strayus Cartus — more commonly known as the Stray Shopping Cart.
In the 176-page The Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern North America: A Guide to Field Identification, Julian Montague creates an elaborate classification system of abandoned shopping carts, accompanied by photographic documentation (250 images strong!) of actual stray cart sightings. Take this book with you on your next hike around Niagara Falls, and imagine the insights you’ll gain!
Amusingly, theBookseller awarded The Stray Shopping Carts… Oddest Title of The Year for 2006. To see some sample images, head to The Stray Shopping Cart Project — or check out some of the images after the jump.
[Thanks, Dad!]