Here’s one for the foodies: Everybody Eats There: Inside the World’s Legendary Restaurants dishes up the scoop on 100 of the world’s most exclusive dining establishments. Veteran journalist Bill Staidem teamed up with Mara Gibbs, of the Morton’s Restaurant family, to gather the goods (and gossip) on the top restaurants around the globe.
The result is a collection of backstories about chefs, owners and menus about well known high-profile places like Elaine’s (NY), Spago (L.A.), Stresa (Paris) and the River Cafe (London). I’m no eatery expert, but my guess is that those in the know about these “it” establishments may not be so interested in reading this book. (In fact, they might be mentioned in it!) But travelers with a soft spot for Hollywood stars and their dining habits may find this a particularly enjoyable read. Bon Appetit!