The Perfect Folding Bike? Or just a Cool Design?

After posting yesterday about a very cool foldable bike, I came across an even cooler one on

As you can see from the above photo, the bike is rather, um, odd shaped. But just look at how it folds down into the perfect little piece of luggage!

The bike, which is designed by 23-year-old Thomas Owen, is dubbed “One” and is currently a prototype. According to Owen’s website, the bike is operated by a “revolutionary power assist system.” I’m not sure what this means, but when I took a closer look at the other photos on the website, I can’t figure out how the pedals actually power the wheels. Is this some wild flight of fantasy that is all design and little function? Or is it the perfect meld of form and function?

Sadly, I have to admit I’m a little skeptical. Owen’s online resume, for example, mentions that he has “a good sense of homour.” Perhaps the bike’s “revolutionary power assist system” is as nonexistent as Owen’s spell-check program.