This week I’m bouncing all over the place with a wide range of random picks from the contributors here. From gear to moo-moo’s to Daft Punk – look below to find what you may have missed.
5. Movie Posters from Belarus:
Fun! Who doesn’t enjoy looking at posters and prints from around the globe? The focus of this set here is Belarus for the most part, but still so cool!
4. Yurts: Comfort in the Great Outdoors:
Love the outdoors, but hate the discomfort? Problem solved! Check into a yurt on your next go in some of America’s state parks.
3. Cool Outdoor Gear Made From Recycle Materials:
Here is a cool way to be green and good to the earth. Willy points us to the perfect spot to learn more about sustainable gear to get you all ready for your summer backpacking tours be it through the suburbs, the park, or across Europe.
2. Cow Tourism:
This one is very random, but when I read it I fell in love with it. First it was Neil’s account on the first time he’d ever met a girl wild enough to steal a cow bell and how he later found out the importance of those bells. If only all travel romance tales could happen a little more like this, but with your twist I guess. Anyways, aren’t cows the greatest?
1. Gadling’s Massively Huge 2007 Summer Music Festival Roundup:
Pardon me if I seem a bit tuned out. Chances are I’m mentally at one of the music festivals found here in Gadling’s largest guide to the summer sound circuit ever and physically preparing to go!!! Thanks to Justin you can tune in too and later tune out, but I must apologize as we won’t be providing the tickets. You’re on your own there