When searching for an image for my post on travel washing machines, I saw several shots of people doing laundry the old fashioned way–by hand. Here is one of them.
This shot, posted on Flickr, was taken by abrinksy in Udaipur, India. There is something about laundry that makes people get an urge to whip out their cameras. Here are other photos that caught my eye…
Taken in Vietnam by Agnguyen2682. I love the images of clothes paired with the plants and the girl in yellow.
This one is in Dominica. The photographer, herzchen points out the woman is even hanging up a teddy bear.
Here’s making another use of a hot tub in Iceland. fuzzypika
In Ghana, West Africa. I wonder what Stig Nygaard stood on to take this picture.
By sainthelenfire in Feng Huang China. This shot is at a canal.
Taken by Dey in Nepal. I’m always struck by how plastic bowls can look so bright in certain environments.
Taken at at Amani Baby Cottage in Uganda by Danny Summerlin. The criss crossed white lines appealed to me.
Hanging laundry in Croatia. I like the way taf captured the angles, the light and the shadows.