The latitude of Minnetrista, MN is 44.938N and the longitude is -93.717W. But plugging those coordinates into your GPS unit won’t get you to a new geocaching exhibit set to open at this Minnetrista. To get here, you must plug in coordinates for Muncie, IN (40.12N latitude and 085.23W longitude), home of this East Central Indiana museum and cultural center.
Geocaching enthusiasts may already be plotting summer excursions to this new exhibit sponsored by Groundspeak (the folks behind, in partnership with Trimble and Minotaur Maze Exhibits. GPS Adventures is a hands-on presentation designed to teach people of all ages about navigation, GPS technology and geocaching. It features GPS stats, history, current uses and future possibilities; and simulates geocaching by leading museum visitors through a 2,500 square foot interactive maze. Subtitled, “From Tracking to Treasure Hunting”, the exhibit will premiere this coming Saturday, June 2nd during a geocaching event that will be held from 2 – 4 p.m at the museum.
If mapping trends and technologies interest you, be sure to check out another navigation-themed exhibit Gadling mentioned recently. Coordinates for its city location: 38.51N and 77.2W.