This book has been out for several years, but I noticed that one of the editors, Nina Sichel, recently did an event about the book in Alexandria, VA. It sounds like a fascinating collection of stories, some written by well-known travel writers, so it seemed like a good one to share here:
Unrooted Childhoods: Memoirs of Growing Up Global is an anthology of personal essays about the experiences of those who grew up without ever feeling grounded in one place. Authors such as Isabelle Allende, Pico Iyer, Tara Bahrampour, Pat Conroy and Sara Taber share tales from their lives as traveling children. As sons and daughters of diplomats, missionaries, educators and military personal, their lives were influenced by the varied locations and cultures that shaped their childhoods.
Nina is teaching a series of memoir writing workshops beginning later this month. Born in the U.S. and raised in Venezuela, she is a writer, former editor and ESL teacher. Her work has appeared in The American Journal of Nursing, Among Worlds, International Educator, and elsewhere.