One of the groups involved with The Reading the World program I mentioned earlier today is Words without Borders, who have just revamped their website with a fresh new look.
Since I last spoke of WWB, the group has grown substantially and gained worldwide praise for its first anthology of international literature, a groundbreaking collection of stories from Iran, Iraq, Korea and other “enemy nations.” Now WWB has released Words Without Borders: The World through the Eyes of Writers (March 2007), which features the work of more than 28 writers from almost 20 countries.
Short stories, poems, essays and excerpts from novels all appear in this volume for the very first time in English. Writers such as Ha Jin, Cynthia Ozick, Javier Marias, Wole Soyinka and Günter Grass are included. The website contains info about the writers, as well as the editors and all important translators too. Without their treasured language skills, these stories would remain unread by many.