The caption for this stunning creation reads: “Lappeenrannassa oli tehty hiekkalinnoja oikein urakalla. Tulokset ovat melko upeita.” Oh, how true!
This sculpture won first place in a 2005 contest on Revere Beach.
Great detail on this gnomes-spinning-records display.
This sandcastel features color!
Hmm… he looks familiar…
This is how I feel after a long vacation.
Evidently, girls make popular sand sculpture themes, as well. I’m amazed at the texture in this mermaid’s tail and hair.
Oh, the Brazilians… this shot was taken in Copacabana.
I’m not sure where this was photographed. Some nude beach somewhere, I guess.
This is just a girl getting some sun. Looks like her tan is pretty even.
This sculpture is called “Kong’s Girl.”
And finally, here are a couple of videos showing the opposite of sandcastle-building. These sandcastlers go to all the work to create sandy works of art, just to blow them up when they’re finished. Sad — but cool!