More on Boeing 787

When I caught the Today Show segment on the Boeing 787 Monday morning, there were a few things I noticed. One was the airplane’s lighting details. Instead of letting international travelers deal with jet lag by their lonesome, the 787’s lighting adjusts somehow to allow for the time differences as the airplane travels across the world. There’s nothing worse than just going to sleep and BAM!!, the lights come on for meal service.

Another thing that perked me up was how shopping for an airplane is a lot like car shopping. Companies who add the Boeing 787 to their lines get to choose from a variety of seat colors. This means Qatar Airways that is adding 30 of these to its fleet needs to decide what its 787s will look like. This airline isn’t discussing its order; I guess the color choice will be a surprise.

In case you’re interested–and for some odd reason I am–here’s a link to the other airlines that have purchased 787s in 2007. If you wander around the Boeing website, you can find out just how much a jet might cost you. The cheapest one I saw was 50 million dollars for the 737. Just think, there are people who go on-line to order an airplane. I couldn’t find a link that lets you pick your seat color though. I do remember seeing red and blue in the Today Show segment. Another thing I couldn’t find on the Boeing Web site were details about infant carriers. (This search did lead me somehow down the path of car seat rules in the United States.)