A new paperback edition of an epic personal journey was recently released by Menasha Ridge Press. Originally self-published in 2000 and since out of print, Ten Million Steps tells the story of hiking legend M. J. Eberhart. known on the trail as Nimblewill Nomad.
In January 1998, the retired physician from Florida began what would become a historic, 10-month, 4,400-mile journey, on foot, from the Florida Keys to Quebec. In his engaging and honest style, Eb (as he is known by off-trail friends) shares a vivid and detailed account of deep joy, physical pain and self-discovery along what is now known as the Eastern Continental Trail. He walked the entire length of the Appalachian trail and logged many miles (and steps!) on other trails and roads along the way. The story of his celebrated trek is sure to be a source of inspiration and enjoyment to fellow hikers, outdoor enthusiasts and armchair travelers too!