Expat Newspapers in Central Europe and Russia

When I lived in the Czech Republic, I relied quite heavily upon the local English language newspaper to keep me up to date and fill me in on happenings around town.

For someone who understood Czech very, very poorly, this was indeed a godsend.

The Prague Post was one of the very first English language expat newspapers to emerge in the former Warsaw Pact during the post communist era. Many others soon followed its example as more and more foreigners moved into the region to live, work, and play.

Today there is an English language newspaper in nearly every former communist capital. While this is a great resource for foreigners living aboard, most of these papers also provide a bounty of information for visitors. Better yet, many are online as well.

Here is just a short list of the largest newspapers in the region:

Prague: Prague Post
Budapest: Budapest Sun
Moscow: Moscow Times, Exile
St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Times
Warsaw: Warsaw Voice
Slovakia: Slovak Spectator
The Baltics: Baltic Times