When I came across his interview and picture posted yesterday on World Hum, I was so happy to see that Gadling’s lead blogger Justin is keeping warm during his travels in Eastern Europe. He was staying near Prague in the Czech Republic. I knew his girlfriend had caught a cold a while back, and being the fine fellow that he is, he had tracked down medicine to help her feel better. [see post] Now that he’s shown up in this interview I’m feeling even more envious of his trip than I did before–except for one thing.
In his interview I did notice his details of the teenage travelers who were swapping spit (not Justin’s words, but mine) on a good part of a bus trip he took through the Czech Republic countryside. As wonderful as travel is, there are those moments when it is just hard to relax in any kind of Zen-like way. From what he said, the teens were in competition with the scenery for his attention.
At what point does a lovefest, when it’s not our own, become a point of distraction? Once when I was ushering a concert at the New Mexico State Fair for a civic club I belonged to, I had to repeatedly ask a couple to quit necking. Seriously, they were all but laying across their seats. The people around them kept imploring me to do something to get them to stop. From what I recall, they never did stop. The people who paid to see the concert who had the honor of sitting next to these two hickey makers ended up with a show quite different from the one they anticipated when they first settled into their seats for a night out. [Thanks to valerio for the shot on stockxchange]