Halloween weekend has come and gone, and with the parties being over, now is the time for the real spirit of the season to reveal itself; Instead of costume parties, now we’re talking about good, old-fashioned frights.
Got plans for the real Halloween this year? If not, why not consider going to a to one of these events, where they’re sure to put on a good show. According to Reuters, here are some creepy amusements going on this year:
- Six Flags: Visitors to Six Flags have option of participating in the Secret Coffin of Fear, in which you lie in a coffin with meal worms for one minute — ick!
- Universal Studios, Californian: Visitors to the House of Horrors will be haunted by some scary villains from the movies, including Freddy Kruger and Jason Voorhees.
- New York’s Halloween Parade: More than 2 million people are expected to attend this parade, happening October 31st at 7pm.
- Camp Blood, Carrollton, Georgia: Crazies with chainsaws and swamp-dwellers will greet visitors after a walk through the scary forest. Sounds really frightening!
- Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia: Looking like a medieval castle, this abandoned prison is a natural place for a haunted house.