Underground New York

It’s been awhile since I’ve directed a post downwards, beneath the surface of the earth where few venture yet rewards are bountiful.

And so today, we take you on a journey beneath the state of New York thanks to Undercity.org–an impressive Urban Exploration site managed by a photographer based out of Queens, New York who has captured a number of very cool underground locations and deserted urban spaces.

“When you’re looking at these photos,”
he tells visitors to the site, “remind yourself that in addition to the city you see around you, there’s another city that you only see hints of — a city of interconnected tunnels and inaccessible rooftops, of steam and sewer and water pipes, a city of century-old abandoned subway stations and forgotten foundations of buildings and bright graffiti paintings, all overlaid with the rich stories of the millions of lives that have all added their own threads to the fabric of the city.”

Very nicely said!

Now take a moment and check out the photo galleries of sewer tunnels, grain silos, aqueducts, abandoned subways, old hospitals, and more. You can thank me later for providing inspiration for your next three-day weekend.