The best of in-flight entertainment

Remember the days when the in-flight entertainment was watching the drool trickle down the chin of your snoozing dad and hoping it landed on the arm of your little sister? Or the days when you were so excited to see an in-flight movie, only to find out that it was showing on one TV screen 20 rows up and the headphones they gave you didn’t work anyway?

In-flight entertainment has come a long way since then. In fact, it’s too good — I stayed awake on flight from New Zealand to LAX catching up on movies like Borat and The Departed, and ended up being so tired afterwards that I almost missed my connecting flight because I was sleeping so soundly on the floor of LAX (Ew. And as an added bonus I crushed my glasses when I rolled onto them — now they’re permanently crooked.)

But entertainment can mean the difference between a tedious flight and an enjoyable — it really makes a difference on how satisfied a customer is with the airline, if you ask me. Want to know which airlines have the best in-flight entertainment? ProTraveller recently ranked them, and here’s the run-down:

  1. Virgin America
  2. Emirates
  3. Singapore Airlines
  4. JetBlue Airlines
  5. Virgin Atlantic
  6. Qantas
  7. Cathay Pacific
  8. British Airways
  9. Japan Airlines
  10. United Airlines

Want to find out why they made the list? Click here.